Ms. Howell's 3rd Graders on Top of the Leaderboard Thanks to SplashLearn Hippo!
Ruth Howell,
3rd Grade Teacher,
Lyman Elementary School, SC
Won First Prize in SpringBoard 2015 - Division 3 to 5
Ms. Howell’s 3rd grade classroom is abuzz with (math) activity these days. Sixteen students, eight laptops, two iPads, an encouraging teacher, and a ton of math confidence: that’s what it took for this class to get to the top of the SplashLearn SpringBoard Leaderboard at the end of Week One!
Ms. Howell shared with SplashLearn how this relatively small class of 16 students got right there to the top.
When did your class start using SplashLearn?
Last week! In fact we started on SplashLearn only on Tuesday, a day after your contest started.
We had been using a couple of other online math programs, not very enthusiastically as my students never liked those enough to stay on task and stick with the program, so when I heard about SpringBoard, I immediately got my class working on SplashLearn. I was hoping this math program would engage them better, and if it did, my plan was to motivate them further with the contest.
How did that go, did your students like SplashLearn when they tried it?
It went amazingly well. My students got on to SplashLearn on that first day and immediately loved it. They continued to love it, and were happy to stay on it and keep going – this was really impressive for me as a teacher, especially since I have tried other online math programs before.
I wanted to understand why they liked SplashLearn so much better, so I talked to my students to dig deeper. They came up with a few different reasons why they loved it, but the one reason they all unanimously cited, was the SplashLearn hippo!
My students elaborated, explaining that the hippo was really encouraging when they got the question right. It was actually quite funny, all my students exactly mimicked the hippo’s words: “Awesome!”, “You rock!” and so on. Interestingly, they added that the hippo was even more encouraging when they did not get the question right, they thought the way he simply says a mild non-judgmental “oops” or “uh-oh” is really nice.

That’s great! We’ll be sure to give your students’ feedback to Pippo the Hippo :-) . What are some of the other reasons your students like SplashLearn?
They love the animation. And actually the entire SplashLearn interface. It’s fun, it’s interesting, and it’s quick and efficient – I guess very like the computer games they’re used to playing. They also understand and navigate the curriculum very easily, and in fact find using SplashLearn overall very smooth.
And that smooth interface is something I like as well, as a teacher-user on SplashLearn. In addition, your thorough curriculum-aligned content is great, and I really appreciate the teacher reports. Specifically, it is easy for me to check how each of my students is doing in a math skill, and with that one report, I am now able to individualize math teaching, on SplashLearn itself. Finally, I think SplashLearn is great practice for my students to prepare for their standardized testing coming up soon.
With SplashLearn becoming a hit in your class, did you then tell them about SpringBoard?

In fact, there are two things my students constantly say to me now through the school day: “Can we do SplashLearn” and “Where are we now?”! I’m having to check the leaderboard many time through the school day, which I don’t mind of course – I love the way they go quiet when I check, and then burst out in excitement and applause when I report that we’re “still on top”!
I also post updates on my class website for parents, students, and the rest of our school.
Are your students math-gifted and always naturally inclined to math, hence this excitement and motivation for doing math?
On the contrary! My class is truly a Rags to Riches story that I am seeing unfold in front of my eyes, thanks to SplashLearn.

These are dream outcomes for me as a teacher, and irrespective of where we go with the SpringBoard contest, I truly feel my class and my students have already won.
Teachers, check if your students get as engaged with SplashLearn as this classroom. Sign up today for Free