Resources > Lesson Plans > ELA > Fifth Grade > Cause and effect (Lit) - Part 2

Cause and effect (Lit) - Part 2

This interactive lesson plan introduces the concept of cause and effect through role play activities, reading a story called 'The Mirror', and engaging discussions. The session is divided into sections including introduction, understanding cause and effect, reading time, energizer activity, student-led activities, summary of the session, and a fun 'Cause & Effect Mad Libs' game if time permits. Each section is designed to ensure students understand the concept thoroughly.

Know more about Cause and effect (Lit) - Part 2


This interactive lesson plan introduces the concept of cause and effect through role play activities, reading a story called 'The Mirror', and engaging discussions. The session is divided into sections including introduction, understanding cause and effect, reading time, energizer activity, student-led activities, summary of the session, and a fun 'Cause & Effect Mad Libs' game if time permits. Each section is designed to ensure students understand the concept thoroughly.

60 min


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