Resources > Lesson Plans > ELA > Fifth Grade > Prepositions and Conjunctions

Prepositions and Conjunctions

This lesson plan titled 'Is It All Related?' is designed to help students understand the function of prepositions and conjunctions in sentences. The lesson includes various activities like 'Whack a Word' game, sentence editing exercises, and creating their own sentences. The teacher provides guidance throughout the lesson, which concludes with an exit slip to assess understanding and a takeaway handout for further practice at home. Estimated time for completion is approximately one hour.

Know more about Prepositions and Conjunctions


This lesson plan titled 'Is It All Related?' is designed to help students understand the function of prepositions and conjunctions in sentences. The lesson includes various activities like 'Whack a Word' game, sentence editing exercises, and creating their own sentences. The teacher provides guidance throughout the lesson, which concludes with an exit slip to assess understanding and a takeaway handout for further practice at home. Estimated time for completion is approximately one hour.

60 min


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