Resources > Lesson Plans > Math > Third Grade > Finger Model & Facts of 4 and 6

Finger Model & Facts of 4 and 6

Join us on an exciting journey through skip counting and finger models to unlock the multiplication facts of 4 and 6. This interactive math lesson is designed to help students visualize the concepts and develop a strong foundation in multiplication. Through engaging tasks, students will learn how to use the finger model, skip count by multiples, and discover the facts of 4 and 6. By the end of the lesson, students will be able to confidently solve multiplication problems involving these numbers. So get ready to dive into the world of finger models and explore the fascinating world of multiplication!

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Join us on an exciting journey through skip counting and finger models to unlock the multiplication facts of 4 and 6. This interactive math lesson is designed to help students visualize the concepts and develop a strong foundation in multiplication. Through engaging tasks, students will learn how to use the finger model, skip count by multiples, and discover the facts of 4 and 6. By the end of the lesson, students will be able to confidently solve multiplication problems involving these numbers. So get ready to dive into the world of finger models and explore the fascinating world of multiplication!

60 min


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