Amy Gill

Amy Gill is a Contributing Editor at SplashLearn. As a former teacher, she likes to write about education reforms, edtech and how to make learning more fun for children.



Theme vs Main Idea Made Simple: A Guide for Teachers

Students mix up theme vs main idea all the time. Ask them what a story is about, and they might give a theme instead of a main idea. Or, they might confuse a lesson...

12 Fun Classroom Review Games for Elementary Students

Review days can be tough. Teachers juggle the challenge of keeping students engaged while ensuring the material sticks—and let’s be honest, the usual review games don’t always get the job done. Often, the same...

15 Fun Phonics Activities for Kids

Hands-on phonics activities are essential for helping kids learn to read by focusing on the sounds that letters and letter groups make. These activities build a strong foundation by teaching skills like letter-sound relationships,...

60 Famous Quotes About Reading, Books & Writing for All Ages

Books are a uniquely portable magic," Stephen King once said, capturing the wonder of reading. Quotes about reading, books, and writing remind us of the endless adventures and creativity they bring into a child's...

300+ Halloween Words From A-Z for Kids [Free Downloadable]

Halloween is a time for spooky fun, and learning new words makes it even better! In this blog, you'll find a Halloween words list filled with Halloween-themed words that are perfect for kids. Whether...

12 Best Pre-Writing Activities for Preschoolers in 2025

Are you concerned that your preschooler isn’t ready to start writing? Do you wonder how to build pre-writing skills, help them hold a pencil, form letters, and build the necessary coordination? Fortunately, there are...

How to Teach Decoding in 9 Simple Steps

Do you know how children begin to read words they’ve never seen before? It starts with decoding—breaking down words into sounds and blending them together. Decoding is the key to reading success, helping children...

13 Best Phoneme Segmentation Activities for Kids

Phoneme segmentation activities for kids are a fantastic way to help young learners break down words into individual sounds. This skill is essential for early reading and spelling success. By using fun and interactive...

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