BlogHolidays & Festivities50 Best Mother's Day Poems to Honour Moms

50 Best Mother’s Day Poems to Honour Moms

Mothers are simply amazing. They are sweet as a dove and can be scary as a tigress for someone who hurts her child. You should teach classic mom poems to your child so that they can learn to respect all mothers and develop an interest in poetry.

There is nothing in this world with which you can repay your mother for every pain she adorns to give you a beautiful life. However, since poetry is the language of the soul, you can use some poetic words to thank and appreciate your mother. 

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But if you are not a wordsmith, we have got you covered! You can borrow words from famous poets and present them to your mother with your own feelings. 

Over the years, many famous poems about mother’s love have been written to appraise and honor mothers. And some of the best timeless mom poems are mentioned ahead.

10 Cute Mother’s Day Poems from Child

Words fall short when we try to express how important our mother’s role is in our lives. These mother’s day poems from child are addressed to mothers who are the reason we exist. 

1. Roses

My mom, she’s the best,

From her head to her toes!

She’s warm, and she’s soft,

And smells as sweet as a rose.

Author — Unknown.

2. Flowers

I’ve made some Mother’s Day flowers,

With my fingers and my thumb,

So you’ll always have these memories,

For all the years to come.

Author — Unknown.

3. Wonderful Mother of Mine

I pray every night to our Father above,

For that wonderful mother of mine.

I ask Him to keep her as long as He can

That wonderful mother of mine.

There are treasures on earth,

That made life seem worthwhile,

But there’s none that can compare

To my mother’s smile.

Author — Clyde Hager

4. Month of May

For all the diapers

that you changed,

For all the play dates

you arranged.

For all the trips

back and forth to school,

For cleaning all the spit up

and the drool.

Why is there only

one Mother’s Day?

You should have at least gotten

the ENTIRE month of May!

Author — Anon

5. Cup of Tea for Mom

I will try my best in every way,

To be extra sweet on Mother’s Day.

But if you become upset with me,

Please relax and have a cup of tea!

Author — Unknown.

6. Nobel Prize for Mothers

Mom, you are a shining star.

Though the world doesn’t know your name.

You have no fancy title

Like Baroness or Dame.

Mom, you really are a star,

My mother, mentor, and friend.

A Nobel Prize for motherhood,

That is what I’d recommend!

And if I won the lottery

I’d share my win with you

I’d take you, Mom, on a spending spree

Each day the whole year through!

You may not be famous,

As your face is known to few.

But Mom, I think you are wonderful

And I’m so proud of you!

Author — Anon

7. God Created Mothers

When God created mothers,

All as lovely as can be,

He made one extra special,

And saved her just for me!

Author — Holly Giffers

8. Mommy, I love you

Mommy, I love you

For all that you do.

I’ll kiss you and hug you.

‘Cause you love me, too.

You feed me and need me

To teach you to play,

So smile ’cause I love you

On this Mother’s Day.

Author — Nicholas Gordon

9. You’re da Bomb!

It’s mother’s day,

So thank you, Mom

You ought to know

That you’re da’ bomb!

Author — Anon

10. Wonderful Mother

The heart of a home is a mother

Whose love is warm and true,

And home has always been “sweet home”

With a wonderful mother like you!

Author — Unknown

Related Reading: Amazing Mother’s Day Crafts for Kids That Are Easy and Fun

10 Short Mother’s Day Poems From Daughter

Photo Of Girl Holding Mug

Mothers and daughters share a pure bond that grows stronger over the years. This mother’s day, help your mother feel special and share your love with these poems for mother’s day from kids. 

1. Mother

Your arms were always open

when I needed a hug.

Your heart understood

when I needed a friend.

Your gentle eyes were stern

when I needed a lesson.

Your strength and love have guided me

and given me wings to fly.

Author — Sarah Malin

2. Short Mother’s Day Poem

For all you do,

you do with love.

You are so special,

A gift from above.

And with all my heart,

I want to say,

I love you, Mom.

Happy Mother’s Day.

Author — Anon.

3. Special Bond

Mothers and Daughters

They always share a special bond

Though near or far apart

The words that would describe it

Are written on the heart.

Author — Unknown

4. Best Friends

Best friends forever, mom and me

picking flowers and climbing trees.

A shoulder to cry on, secrets to share

Warm hearts and hands that care.

Author — Anon.

5. A Mother

A mother wraps

her love around the heart

of her daughter,

keeping each beat steady

through the rhythm of life,

until wings take shape,

and it’s time for the soul

to take flight.

Author — Christy Ann Martine

It is a beautiful creation that expresses how a mother nurtures and loves her child until one day it’s time to make the little one fly. This poem for mother in English has used simple sentences so you can easily teach this poem to your preschoolers. 

6. Mother & Daughter

It’s a special bond that spans the years

through laughter, worries, smiles, and tears.

A sense of trust that can’t be broken,

a depth of love sometimes unspoken.

A lifelong friendship built on sharing,

hugs and kisses, warmth and caring.

Mother and daughter, their hearts as one –

a link that can never be undone.

Author — Unknown

7. Dear Mom

Since the day I was small

Till the day I became tall

Since I began understanding things

Till the day I got my own wings

Your love has never fallen short

You have been my only support.

I want to hold you tight and hug you

I just want to say thank you.

Author — Unveil Talks by Sumiran Mishra and Saakshi Khattri

8. A Special Day

For a special mom on this special day,

Your daughter has some words that she wants to say

Please know that I appreciate all the things that you do

Love you so much, Mom, happy Mother’s Day to you!

Author — Unknown

9. A Mother

When you’re a child, she walks before you

To set an example.

When you’re a teenager, she walks behind you

To be there should you need her.

When you’re an adult, she walks beside you.

So that as two friends you can enjoy life together.

Author — Unknown

10. My Mother Kept a Garden

My Mother kept a garden,

A garden of the heart.

She planted all the good things

That gave my life its start.

She turned me to the sunshine

And encouraged me to dream.

Fostering and nurturing

The seeds of self-esteem.

I am my Mother’s garden.

I am her legacy.

And I hope today she feels the love

Reflected from me.

Author — Unknown

Related Reading: Best Poems for Kids to Entice a Love for Poetry

10 Short Mother’s Day Poems From Son

Mothers are always caring and affectionate towards their sons and wish them well. We hope these mothers day poems from kids, addressed to mothers by their loving sons, cheer up all the loving mothers who cherish their sons with all their hearts. 

1. The Bond

The bond between a mother and a son is a special one

It remains unchanged by time or distance.

It is the purest love, unconditional and true.

It is understanding any situation and forgiving any mistake.

Author — Unknown

2. Just One Mom 

Hundreds of dewdrops greet the dawn,

Hundreds of bees in the purple clover,

Hundreds of butterflies on the lawn.

But only one mother the whole world over.

Author — George Cooper

This is a simple and short mom poem that your children can quickly learn. It is a perfect Mother’s Day poem that tells how the world is so big and embellished with beautiful things. But there is only one mother in the world who will always be there for you–no matter what happens. 

3. Thank You, Mom

I just want to thank you.

For your warm smiles

Your encouragement

Your words of wisdom

That still guides me today

Thanks for everything

Happy Mother’s Day

Author — C. Harding

4. Fingerprints!

Dirt and cookie fingerprints

are not too hard to find,

You’ll see them on our walls and drawers,

Where I go, they’re left behind!

But soon, I’ll learn to wash my hands,

And tuck them by my side,

The walls and drawers are clean once more,

No grubby marks to hide.

So here I leave my fingerprints,

Each and every one,

Painted as a reminder,

Of dirt, cookies, and fun!

Author — Unknown.

5. Mom, You’re the Best

There is no doubt Mom,

you’re the best.

The one and only.

I’m proud to be your son.

And I’d like to thank you for

the loving things you’ve done.

Author — Anon.

6. Short Mother’s Day Poem for Mom

The Roses are red,

Violets are blue,

Sugar is sweet,

And so are you!

Author — Anon

7. We Go Together Like Mother And Son

Peanut butter and jelly,

moon and star,

these iconic pairings

can’t compare to what we are.

We go together like mother and son

a match made in heaven.

We’re stuck together

whether you’re seven or eleven!

When two things fit

like the Earth and the sun,

they can only be

mother and son.

Author — Anon


“I know you wipe some away,

But these prints are here to stay.

So, keep them forever,

A treasure they will be.

Happy Mother’s Day, Mom!

Love, me!”

Author — Anon

9. Dear Mom

Dear Mom,

I will love you forever;

And forever, you will be

The most wonderful mother,

You mean everything to me.

I thought of buying you flowers

In the usual way

But I knew you would prefer

A forever bouquet!

Author — Anon


Mommy, Mommy, I love you.

Thanks for all the things you do.

I love you

And you love me.

That’s the way it should be.

Mommy, Mommy, I love you.

Thanks for all the things you do!

Author — Anon

Related Reading: Best Spring Poems for Kids for Creative Expression

10 Christian Short Mothers’ Day Poems & Bible Verses

Mother and Daughter Praying in the Church

Happy Mother’s day poems from kids are a great way to express the joy, pride, warmth, and comfort a child experiences when they are with their mothers. Mothers are praised in Christianity and placed on a high ordeal. Let’s take a look at these short Christian Mother’s Day poems and bible verses.

1. A Mother’s Prayer For You

I said a Mother’s Day prayer for you

to thank the Lord above

for blessing me with a lifetime

of your tenderhearted love.

I thanked God for the caring

you’ve shown me through the years,

for the closeness we’ve enjoyed

in times of laughter and tears.

And so, I thank you from the heart

for all you’ve done for me,

and I bless the Lord for giving me

the best mother there could be!

Author — Anon.

2. God’s Masterpiece

God took the fragrance of a flower,

The majesty of a tree,

The gentleness of morning dew,

The calm of a quiet sea.

The beauty of the twilight hour,

The soul of a starry night,

The laughter of a rippling brook,

The grace of a bird in flight.

Then God fashioned from these things,

A creation like no other,

And when his masterpiece was through,

He called it simply – Mother.

Author — Herbert Farnham

3. God’s Helpers

God could not be in every place

With loving hands to help erase

The teardrops from each baby’s face,

And so He thought of mother.

He could not send us here alone

And leave us to a fate unknown;

Without providing for His own,

The outstretched arms of mother.

God could not watch us night and day

And kneel beside our crib to pray,

Or kiss our little aches away;

And so He sent us mother.

And when our childhood days began,

He simply could not take command.

That’s why He placed our tiny hand

Securely into mothers.

The days of youth slipped quickly by,

Life’s sun rose higher in the sky.

Full grown were we, yet ever nigh

To love us still was mother.

And when life’s span of years shall end,

I know that God will gladly send,

To welcome home her child again,

That ever-faithful mother.

Author — George W Wiseman

4. The LORD bless you and keep you;

the LORD make his face shine on you and be gracious to you;

the LORD turn his face toward you and give you peace.

Numbers 6:24-26

5. She is clothed with strength and dignity;

she can laugh at the days to come.

She speaks with wisdom,

and faithful instruction is on her tongue.

She watches over the affairs of her household

and does not eat the bread of idleness.

Her children arise and call her blessed;

her husband also, and he praises her:

Proverbs 31:25-28

6. Love is patient; love is kind.

It does not envy; it does not boast; it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, and it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, and always perseveres.

1 Corinthians 13:4-7

7. Motherhood

The dearest gifts that heaven holds,

The very finest, too,

Were made into one pattern

That was perfect, sweet, and true;

The Angels smiled, well-pleased, and said:

“Compared to all the others,

This pattern is so wonderful

Let’s use it just for Mothers!”

And through the years, a mother has been

All that’s sweet and good

For there’s one bit of God and love,

In all true Motherhood.

Author — Helen Steiner Rice

8. Deuteronomy 4:9:

“Only be careful, and watch yourselves closely so that you do not forget the things your eyes have seen or let them fade from your heart as long as you live. Teach them to your children and to their children after them.”

9. Psalm 139:13-14:

“For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well.”

10. Luke 2:51:

“And his mother treasured up all these things in her heart.”

10 Poem About Mother’s Love

A mother’s love is strong, unconditional and beautiful. It helps us go through the hardest of times and is one of the most powerful form of love in the world. Let’s take a look at these ten poems on mother’s love:

1. Her Love is Like an Island

Mother’s love is like an island,

In life’s ocean vast and wide

A peaceful, quiet shelter

From the wind, the rain, the tide.

‘Tis bound on the north by Hope,

By Patience on the west,

By tender Counsel on the south

And on the east by Rest.

Above it like a beacon light

Shine Faith, and Truth, and Prayer;

And thro’ the changing scenes of life

I find a haven there.

Author — Anon

2. Mother’s Love

A Mother’s love, a Mother’s care,

A Mother’s sigh, a Mother’s prayer

A Mother’s work, and Mother’s day,

Leaves little time for any play.

A Godly Mother with Godly love,

Is treasure from God above,

A Godly Mother with Godly care,

Has God’s help when she sighs a prayer.

Author — Calvin M Lake

3. A Mother’s Love

There are times when only a Mother’s love

Can understand our tears,

Can soothe our disappoints

And calm all of our fears.

There are times when only a Mother’s love

Can share the joy we feel,

When something we’ve dreamed about

Quite suddenly is real.

There are times when only a Mother’s faith

Can help us on life’s way,

And inspire in us the confidence

We need from day to day.

For a Mother’s heart and a Mother’s faith

And a Mother’s steadfast love,

Were fashioned by the Angels

And sent from God above.

Author — Anon

4. Thank God for Mother’s Love

There is no love, like a mother’s love,

no stronger bond on earth…

like the precious bond that comes from God,

to a mother, when she gives birth.

A mother’s love is forever strong,

never changing for all time…

and when her children need her most,

a mother’s love will shine.

God bless these special mothers,

God bless them every one…

for all the tears and heartache,

and for the special work they’ve done.

When her days on earth are over,

a mother’s love lives on…

through many generations,

with God’s blessings on each one.

Be thankful for our mothers,

for they love with a higher love…

from the power God has given,

and the strength from up above.

Author — Anon

5. Mystery Mom

Mom, your love is a mystery:

How can you do it all?

You’re always there with the perfect fix

For my problems, big and small.

Your love protects me day after day,

So I’m fearless, safe and sound.

I feel that I can do anything

Whenever you’re around.

Mom, your love is a mystery,

I haven’t got a clue

Why you love me all time,

But I’m very glad you do!

Author — Anon

6. My Miracle Mother

Mom, I look at you

and see a walking miracle.

Your unfailing love without limit,

your ability to soothe my every hurt,

the way you are on duty, unselfishly,

every hour, every day,

makes me so grateful

that I am yours, and you are mine.

With open arms and open heart,

with enduring patience and inner strength,

you gave so much for me,

sometimes at your expense.

You are my teacher,

my comforter, my encourager,

appreciating all, forgiving all.

Sometimes I took you for granted, Mom,

but I don’t now, and I never will again.

I know that everything I am today

relates to you and your loving care.

I gaze in wonder

as I watch you being you—

my miracle, my mother.

By Joanna Fuchs

7. You Let Me Know You Love Me

You let me know you love me

In so many different ways.

You make me feel important

With encouragement and praise.

You’re always there when I need you

To comfort and to care.

I know I’m in your thoughts;

Your love follows me everywhere.

Thank you for all you’ve done

And given so generously.

I love you, my wonderful mother;

You’re a heaven-sent blessing to me.

By Joanna Fuchs

Mothers never let go of an opportunity to tell their children how much they love them. And this mom poem is all about how a mother uses different ways to love and praise her child. With this meaningful mom poem, you can make your child realize how much you love them. 

8. I Learned From You

I learned about love from you,

Watching your caring ways.

I learned about joy from you

In fun-filled yesterdays.

From you I learned forgiving

Of faults both big and small.

I learned what I know about living

From you, as you gave life your all.

The example you set is still with me

I’d never want any other.

I’m thankful for all that you taught me,

And I’m blessed to call you “Mother.”

By Joanna Fuchs

9. Everything Mom

How did you find the energy, Mom,

To do all the things you did,

To be teacher, nurse and counselor

To me, when I was a kid.

How did you do it all, Mom,

Be a chauffeur, cook and friend,

Yet find time to be a playmate,

I just can’t comprehend.

I see now it was love, Mom,

That made you come whenever I’d call,

Your inexhaustible love, Mom,

And I thank you for it all.

By Joanna Fuchs

Do you want to show your child how mothers are superhuman and step into several roles in your life? Then, this is the perfect mom poem to pay your tribute to all the mothers who are everything to their children. 

10. Counting on Your Love

Mom, you gave me life

and made sure I was safe and happy.

You retrieved, reclaimed and restored me

when I strayed or was lost.

Being able to count on your love

gives me peace and security.

I can’t tell you enough,

give you enough, do enough

to show you how much you mean to me.

Happy Mother’s Day

to the best mom in the world!

By Joanna Fuchs

Parting Remarks

Family reading mom poems together

Poems are the best way to spark creativity and love for literature among your children. And when a poem is about mothers, it can make your child understand all the sacrifices that a mother makes for her children. In addition, mom poems develop emotions like empathy and sympathy among children.  

So, you can start with the classic mom poems and let your child express their undying love for you through words.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How is poetry helpful for a child's intellectual growth?

Poetry is extremely helpful for a child’s mental development. It helps your child to understand patterns and sequences. This facilitates the brain to process and return information faster. Also, poetry is a simple way to learn new words, thought processes, and even a new language.

Why is poetry important at the early childhood and primary level?

The early introduction of poetry can help children learn new languages and sentence formation. It also teaches children to express their thoughts using rhythmic words and phrases. Poetry is the best for language training, creativity enhancement, and improving communication skills.

Can a heartfelt poem be a great gift for mother’s day?

Poems have a personal touch and a creative pulse, which makes them the best gift ever. However, Mother’s day poems from older kids can also be paired with chocolate if you look forward to surprising your mother!

Andrew Scholl
Andrew Scholl is an educational expert with over 15 years of teaching experience in elementary and middle school classrooms. He currently lives in New Jersey with his wife and two daughters.
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