Blend It Like R: An Interactive R-Blends Mastery — ELA Lesson Plan
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Blend It Like R: An Interactive R-Blends Mastery - Lesson Plan

In the 'Blend It Like R' lesson, students are introduced to various tasks designed to help them master reading and spelling words containing R-family blends. The session begins with a warm-up exercise followed by three main tasks where students listen to audio clips, view images, and complete sentences using appropriate R-blends. The session concludes with a summary and an exit slip to assess understanding. Additional activities are provided for early finishers or extra practice.

Know more about Blend It Like R: An Interactive R-Blends Mastery - Lesson Plan


The main objective of the 'Blend It Like R' lesson plan is to help students learn how to read and spell words containing various types of R-family blends through engaging tasks.

The 'Blend It Like R' lesson plan includes activities such as listening to audio clips, viewing images, completing sentences with correct blends, thinking of animals/actions beginning with an R-blend, and drawing something that starts with an R-blend.

The 'Blend It Like R' lesson plan assesses student understanding through an exit slip given at the end of the session. This allows tutors to gauge how well students have grasped reading and spelling words containing different types of r-family blends.


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