Connecting Concepts — ELA Lesson Plan
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Connecting Concepts - Lesson Plan

In this interactive lesson plan titled 'Connecting Concepts', students engage in a series of activities designed to enhance their critical thinking skills. The lesson begins with a warm-up exercise where students play a memory game called 'What Do You See?'. This is followed by an activity called 'Team of Two!' where they learn to identify connections between two things out of three. The next section focuses on words that are both nouns and verbs through an activity called 'Riddle Me Out!'. Students then fill in the missing words in a rhyme/poem. The lesson concludes with a summary and additional practice exercises for further reinforcement.

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The main focus of the 'Connecting Concepts: An Interactive Lesson' is to help students enhance their critical thinking skills by identifying connections between objects and words, solving riddles, and filling in missing words in rhymes.

In the 'Riddle Me Out!' activity as part of the 'Connecting Concepts: An Interactive Lesson', students are presented with riddles accompanied by picture clues. They have to solve these riddles and identify the word that serves as both a noun and a verb.

In the 'Connecting Concepts: An Interactive Lesson', additional practice is provided through an activity where students have to match antonyms. This helps reinforce their understanding of concepts taught during the lesson.


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