Genre Giants: A Comparative Storytelling — ELA Lesson Plan
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Genre Giants: A Comparative Storytelling - Lesson Plan

In this detailed lesson, students embark on an adventure of comparing and contrasting stories within the same genre. The session begins with a fun activity, followed by reading two engaging stories - 'Katie Kicks' and 'A Cheer for Charlie'. Students are encouraged to make predictions, answer comprehension questions, and apply their learning through a Venn Diagram. An energizer activity called 'Genie in the Bottle' is included to boost creativity. The lesson concludes with a riddle presented by Loko, further practice questions, and a Google Form exit card to assess learning.

Know more about Genre Giants: A Comparative Storytelling - Lesson Plan


The main objective of the 'Genre Giants: A Comparative Storytelling Lesson' is to help students compare and contrast how different stories approach similar topics and themes.

The 'Genre Giants: A Comparative Storytelling Lesson' includes reading two stories, answering comprehension questions, comparing details using a Venn Diagram, an energizer activity called 'Genie in the Bottle', solving a riddle presented by Loko, and filling out a Google Form exit card.

The 'Genre Giants: A Comparative Storytelling Lesson' enhances students' critical thinking skills by encouraging them to make predictions about stories, identify similarities and differences between story elements, solve riddles, and reflect on their learning through an exit card.


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