Science Enthusiasts Unite — ELA Lesson Plan
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Science Enthusiasts Unite - Lesson Plan

In this interactive lesson plan titled 'Science Enthusiasts Unite', students are introduced to the exciting world of science through a warm-up exercise followed by a dialogue between two characters discussing their opinions on science. Students then read about real-life scientists and engage in comprehension activities. The session also includes a puzzle game and concept mapping activity for comparing the texts. The lesson concludes with a summary of what they've learned, an exit slip for assessment, and additional practice activities if time permits.

Know more about Science Enthusiasts Unite - Lesson Plan


The main objective of the 'Science Enthusiasts Unite' lesson plan is to spark students' interest in science through engaging discussions, reading about real-life scientists, and participating in fun activities.

The 'Science Enthusiasts Unite' lesson plan uses methods such as warm-up exercises, reading texts followed by comprehension activities, vocabulary development, concept mapping, puzzle games, and review & assessment activities.

The 'Science Enthusiasts Unite' lesson plan includes texts about Dr. Erin P. Riley who studies monkeys called moor macaques on Sulawesi Island in Indonesia and Dr. Sarah Hrst who studies atmospheres of planets and moons especially Titan.


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