Resources > Lesson Plans > Math > First Grade > Mastering Various Subtraction Methods and Strategies - Lesson Plan

Mastering Various Subtraction Methods and Strategies - Lesson Plan

Join us on an exciting math adventure as we dive into the world of subtraction. This interactive lesson plan is designed to help students develop a strong understanding of subtraction concepts through engaging activities and problem-solving tasks. From finding leftover chilies to solving mysteries, students will explore different strategies and methods to master subtraction. The lesson plan includes warm-up exercises, hands-on activities, guided practice, and an exit slip to assess student understanding. Get ready for a subtraction sensation!

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This lesson covers key concepts such as subtracting numbers up to 10 using a 10-frame, finding missing numbers in subtraction sentences, adding and subtracting on a number line, and solving subtraction problems in various scenarios.

This lesson engages students through hands-on activities, visual aids, and interactive tasks. Students will actively participate in helping characters solve problems by providing chilies or counting jumps. The use of visual aids such as question marks and number lines enhances their understanding of subtraction concepts.

The exit slip serves as a quick assessment tool to gauge student understanding of the concepts covered in the lesson. It helps identify any misconceptions or areas where students may need additional support.


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