BlogMath for KidsHow to Teach Kindergarten Math: Concepts, Tips, & Strategies

How to Teach Kindergarten Math: Concepts, Tips, & Strategies

Wondering how to teach kindergarten math? It is often mistaken as something anyone can easily prepare and teach. It’s maybe because skills seem basic at a glance.
Imagine a classroom filled with students at different stages of learning—some kids are counting with ease, while others are learning to hold a pencil. Teaching kindergarten math skills involves considerable preparation. There’s rarely a break, so you need to think on your feet and have a variety of activities ready in your pocket to keep little ones happy and engaged!

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This guide is designed to support you every step of the way, whether you’re a kindergarten teacher or a parent, offering a clear breakdown of what kindergarteners learn in math, common challenges, and effective teaching strategies to build a classroom of self-starters. Plus, find a wealth of FREE resources for teachers, including:

How to Teach Kindergarten Math

Let’s dive into important kindergarten math topics and explore how to teach kindergarten math in a fun and engaging way!

Kindergarten math concepts chart

1. Number Recognition, Counting, and Comparing Numbers

Number Sense in Kindergarten
Number names and counting sequence • Count to 100 by ones and tens
• Count forward from any given number within the sequence.
• Write and represent numbers from 0 to 20
Counting to tell the total number of objects.• Understand one-to-one correspondence.
• Understand that i) the last number you count tells the total number of objects, regardless of arrangement or order, ii) each successive number is “one more” than the given number.
• Count up to 20 objects in a line, a rectangular array, or a circle.
• Count up to 10 things in a scattered configuration.
Comparing numbers• Compare groups of objects (using matching, counting, observation, and benchmarks).
• Compare two written numerals between 1 and 10.

When math is taught in kindergarten classrooms, more instructional time is dedicated to learning numbers and cardinality. Number sense isn’t something you can simply pour into a student’s mind. It’s that inherent and intuitive understanding of numbers developed through experiences! 

Remember: little ones thrive on the “learning by doing” approach. Include fun activities and educational games in your daily math centers or lesson warm-ups, such as:

  • Counting lots of things up to 20 (stairs, chairs, marbles, and more!)
  • Writing numbers to show how many things they counted.

Subitizing is another crucial part of kindergarten math concepts—an ​​ability to recognize the number of objects using patterns without counting (e.g., looking at 8 objects as 5 and 3). Here are some games to boost subitizing skills:

With some planning, fun resources, and hands-on activities, you can make learning numbers a joy for you and your classroom! Building on this understanding and inspired by teachers’ advice on what effectively works with 5-6-year-olds, we have created a fun collection of ready-to-deliver and FREE lesson plans for teachers.

It may not be an easy ride, but walking into the classroom a little prepared gives a confidence boost (you know this feeling!). Here are some common challenges students might encounter with numbers and counting:

Common challengesHere’s a quick teaching tip!
Confusing similar-looking numbers like 6 and 9.Consider using number recognition games for kindergarten during computer centers. By matching number cards up to 20, kids will get plenty of practice and soon be able to easily distinguish between shapes of tricky numbers.
Difficulty associating number symbols with number names or quantities.Use number tracing worksheets for kindergarten as fun homework! Have kids trace both the numerical and word forms of numbers.
Counting the same set of objects wrong after rearrangement (not understanding the conservation of cardinality principle)This counting objects in multiple arrangements game will work perfectly as a short two-group activity in math workshops. 
Confusing number order;
skipping or repeating numbers when counting; not able to count up to a certain number
Use rhymes! Try Let’s Make the Number Song 1-10 Game as your game hour activity! Parents can play this YouTube video, Fun Number Song 1-20, at home and sing along with their kids.

Combine number sense practice and assessment in one easy-to-use resource with printable fun worksheets! These printables feature pictures, visuals, and engaging layouts that keep kids excited while reinforcing essential numerical skills.

Bonus Tips: 

  1. Try this online Counting Numbers Teaching Tool. It’s free to use and perfect for demonstrating one-to-one correspondence. Drag objects (birds, counters, and more!) into a box and let your class count with you! 
Counting teaching tool for kindergarten students
  1. Many teachers love using manipulatives like blocks, counters, and beads in class. Allow children to touch and move objects as they count, sort, add, and subtract. This hands-on teaching method is also effective because it involves kids’ direct participation.
Related Reading: Best Number Activities for Preschoolers

2. Addition and Subtraction

Addition and Subtraction in Kindergarten
Understand addition as putting together (combining) and adding more to a set of things.Understand subtraction as taking apart and taking away.• Represent addition and subtraction visually (using objects, sounds, verbal cues, expressions, or equations.)
• Visualize and solve addition and subtraction word problems within 10.
• Break down numbers up to 10 in different ways
• Identify number pairs from 1 to 9 that make 10.
• Fluently add and subtract within 5.

NOTE: In kindergarten, the following types of addition and subtraction problems are taught: add to (result unknown), take from (result unknown), and put together/take apart (total unknown or both addends unknown).

A teacher once humorously shared that teaching addition and subtraction to kindergarteners feels like explaining taxes to adults! This highlights how teaching basic math to little ones can be challenging, considering the diverse learning styles, varying skill levels, and unique challenges each kid brings to the classroom. Let’s simplify this.

  • These concepts can be abstract for kids. Sitting them down with pencils and notebooks will not work. Asking them to memorize addition and subtraction facts will not work either.
  • Help them see it before they solve it! Kindergarten is the perfect time to start teaching kids how to think in math language! 
  • Use direct modeling strategies, such as counting all, counting on, counting back, doubles, taking away, fact families, and more.
  • Encourage kids to think about the logic behind addition and subtraction. Instead of just making them add and subtract numbers, teach them what these operations truly represent.

The goal is to help kids achieve math fact fluency—accuracy, speed, and confidence! Instead of solely focusing on “right” answers, celebrate students who are “almost” there! If you are having an idea block, that’s totally normal! Try our Addition and Subtraction Lesson Plans for Kindergarteners. They will supercharge your lessons! 

Common challenges Here’s a quick teaching tip!
Struggling to find missing addends (problems like 15 – __ = 9)Play Find the Missing Number in Addition Game or Find Missing Numbers in Subtraction Sentences Game as a quick, engaging review warm-up activity in your class! Include students in the thinking process at every step.
Trouble translating or visualizing word problems into addition or subtraction expressionStart your math block with Addition Word Problems Games for Kindergarten and Subtraction Word Problems for Kindergarten! Discuss 1-2 problems daily in your classroom routine. 
Confusion about applying the same skill with a different strategyEncourage kids to choose a strategy and collaborate in groups. These games can be helpful: Addition strategies games for kindergarteners and subtraction strategies games for kindergarteners. Rotate the games regularly!

Help kids visualize abstract concepts like “putting things together” and “taking objects away.” Learning games build confidence and motivate kids to learn through powerful animations and quick feedback! Try interactive addition and subtraction games as reinforcement tools in your kindergarten classroom.

Supervised practice is key to mastering addition and subtraction—no instant magic fix exists. These printables are crafted to provide the extra support kids need to develop these essential math skills.

Bonus Tips:

  1. This Hundreds Chart Teaching Tool is a free tool for teachers. Use colors to highlight or hide numbers. By counting forward or backward, show kids what “adding 2 more” or “taking 4 away” looks like. 
Hundreds chart teaching tool
  1. Math facts practice: This tool is perfect for online practice. Here are some fantastic features: 
  • Completely FREE for teachers!
  • Choose your preferred operator (addition or subtraction).
  • Pick a number range (up to 20).
  • Select answer type: MCQ or type-in.
  • Add a timer for an extra challenge!
  1. Using Fingers and Toes: Kids tend to pick this method naturally! Add numbers by putting your fingers up. Show subtraction by putting your fingers down. It’s a simple and intuitive technique. 
  2. Addition and Subtraction with Snacks: Kids love snacks! Use small crackers or fruit pieces to teach adding and taking away. 
  3. Real-World Story Problems: Learning addition and subtraction through real-life situations is super effective! Use various real-life themes (such as cooking or sports) and help kids visualize story problems.