What is a Number Chart? Definition, Types, Chart, Examples, FAQs

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What Is a Number Chart in Math?

A number chart as a list of numbers that are written in a particular numerical order. 

For example, if natural or counting numbers from 1 to 10 are listed in the form of a grid, it forms a number chart 1 to 10. Similarly, a number grid 1 to 100 would contain all the numbers from 1 to 100.

A number chart is a graphical representation of numbers arranged in a specific order. It helps in visualizing number patterns, sequences, and relationships. Number charts are valuable tools for teaching counting, number recognition, and basic mathematical concepts. They are often used by teachers to aid in early number learning.

A number chart does not necessarily have to be a list of natural numbers or whole numbers. It can be a list of even numbers, odd numbers, and so on.

Types of Number Charts

There are different types of number charts that help kids in identifying the number patterns. Following are the different types of number charts:

Even Numbers Chart

Even numbers” are numbers divisible by 2. 

Examples: 2, 4, 6, 8, etc.

Here’s a number chart representing even numbers from 1 to 20:

Even numbers chart from 1 to 20

Odd Numbers Chart

The numbers that are not divisible by 2 are called “odd numbers.” 

Examples: 1, 3, 5, 7, and so on.

Here’s a number chart representing off numbers from 1 to 20:

Odd numbers chart 1 to 20

Prime Numbers Chart

Prime numbers have only two factors, 1 and the number itself. 

Example: 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, and so on.

(0 and 1 are not prime numbers.)

Here’s a number chart representing prime numbers between 1 to 20:

Prime numbers chart from 1 to 20

Composite Numbers Chart

Composite numbers are simply the numbers that are not prime. Composite numbers have more than two factors.

Example: 4, 6, 8, 9, 10, and so on.

(0 and 1 are not composite numbers.)

Composite numbers chart 1 to 100

Natural Numbers Chart

Natural numbers are used for counting or ordering. Natural numbers start from 1. They do not include 0.

The chart that represents these numbers is known as the natural numbers chart. 

Natural numbers chart 1 to 10

How to Make a Number Chart

We can create a number chart by using a few simple steps. 

  • Decide the Range and Pattern: Determine the range of numbers you want to include in your chart. For instance, you might choose to create a chart for numbers 1 to 100 or a chart of multiples of 6 between 1-100.
  • Prepare a Grid: Draw a grid on a piece of paper or use a digital tool. Divide the grid into rows and columns based on your chosen range. Label the rows and columns with appropriate headings.
  • Fill in the Numbers: Begin filling in the numbers in numerical order, starting from the first row and moving across the columns. For example, the first row might contain numbers 1 to 10, the second row 11 to 20, and so on.
  • Maintain Order: Ensure that you place the numbers in the correct order, following the sequence as you move across the rows and columns.
  • Add Visuals (Optional): To make the chart more engaging, you can use colors, shapes, or illustrations. These can help highlight patterns or make the chart visually appealing, especially for young learners.
  • Label the Chart: Add a title to your number chart that indicates the range of numbers it represents. This helps viewers understand the purpose of the chart.

Number Chart in Words

We can also write the numbers in words to make it easy to understand how to read the numerical.

The given chart shows the numbers from 1 to 20, along with the number words.

Number chart with number words

Number Chart Patterns

We observe different patterns in number charts such as even numbers, odd numbers, counting by 3’s, counting by 10’s and so on. 

  • Counting by 2 Chart

Let’s understand how to count by 2. If you start from 0 and take equal jumps of 2, you will land on even numbers 2, 4, 6, 8, and so on. 

0 + 2 = 2; 2 + 2 = 4; 4 + 2 = 6; 6 + 2 = 8; and so on

Thus, skip counting by 2 gives us the list of even numbers.

  • Counting by 3 Chart

Here’s a number chart representing the skip counting by 3’s pattern.

Number chart representing skip counting by 3’s pattern
  • Counting by 8 Chart:

Here’s a number chart that shows the skip counting by 8’s pattern: 

Number chart representing skip counting by 8’s

Facts about Number Charts

  • Number charts help kids learn counting and number sequencing.
  • They provide a visual representation of number patterns and relationships.
  • These charts assist children in recognizing numerals and understanding numerical order.
  • Number charts can be used to introduce addition, subtraction, and skip counting.
  • Kids can identify patterns, even and odd numbers, and multiples using number charts.
  • Number charts are available in various formats, such as grids, tables, and interactive digital versions.


In this article, we explored the concept of number charts, which serve as valuable tools for teaching counting, number sequencing, and basic math skills to kids. Number charts offer a visual way to understand number patterns and relationships. We learned patterns in number charts along with different types of number charts. To reinforce our understanding, let’s engage in solving examples and practicing MCQs.

Solved Examples on Number Charts

1. Find the pattern for the number chart given below.

Number chart showing skip counting by 9’s


The numbers marked in the number chart are:

9, 18, 27, 36, 45, 54, 63, 72, 81, 90 and 99. 

It shows skip counting by 9’s.

2. Draw a number chart representing the skip counting by 4’s pattern.


To represent skip counting by 4’s, we highlight the following numbers:

 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32, 36, 40 and so on. 

Number chart representing skip counting by 4’s

3. Write the missing numbers and label the given number chart.



The ones digit of all the numbers are 0.

Also, the difference between any two consecutive numbers is 10.

Thus, the chart shows the skip counting by 10’s pattern. 

After filling missing numbers, we get:


Practice Problems on Number Charts

What is a Number Chart? Definition, Types, Chart, Examples, FAQs

Attend this quiz & Test your knowledge.


What is a number chart?

A chart that displays pictures
A chart that shows random numbers
A chart that lists numbers in a numerical order
A chart for alphabet sequencing
Correct answer is: A chart that lists numbers in a numerical order
A number chart as a list of numbers that are written in a particular numerical order.

Which of the following numbers lie between 40 and 60?

Correct answer is: 53
53 lies between 40 and 60 in the number chart

What is the first composite number in the Composite numbers chart?

Correct answer is: 4
0 and 1 are neither prime nor composite.
2 and 3 are prime numbers.
The first composite number is 4.

With the help of the number chart, write the predecessor of the number 43.

Correct answer is: 42
The number just before the number 43 is 42.

What pattern does the following number chart of even numbers show?

Skip counting by 4’s
Skip counting by 2’s
Skip counting by 5’s
Skip counting by 7’s
Correct answer is: Skip counting by 2’s
Even numbers are numbers divisible by 2. Even numbers chart shows the skip counting by 2’s pattern.

Frequently Asked Questions about Number Charts

A number chart is a chart that shows the list of numbers in an organized way. For example, whole numbers are listed as 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, and so on. On the other hand, the place value chart is used to find the value of each digit of the number.

Number charts help children develop skills such as number recognition, sequencing, pattern identification, and basic arithmetic operations.

A hundreds chart is a number chart 1-100. It is a number grid containing numbers from 1 to 100, arranged in numerical order.